Best Neck Lift Miami, FL

Don’t let sagging skin on your neck give away your age

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Achieve a youthful and refreshed appearance again

The Neck Lift Surgery service in Miami offers a solution to sagging skin that can make us look older or more tired than we feel. The experienced plastic surgeons can help you achieve a youthful and refreshed appearance with this procedure that tightens and smooths the skin on your neck, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin.

What is a Neck Lift?

A Neck Lift or Lower Rhytidectomy is a surgery that is done to remove fat and skin around your jaw line and tighten the muscles of the throat. With it, one can get a neck that looks both young and healthy.

Both men and women experience having excess skin, wrinkles, and throat that looks older than the person feels. Having a Neck Lift takes years off of your neck looks both young and healthy.

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Table of Contents

Combining Neck Lift With Other Procedures

Some people may not achieve an ideal result from only Neck Lift. Lower Rhytidectomy can be combined with Face Lift, Eye Lid, Brow Lift, Ching Augmentation.

Am I Candidate for a Neck lift?

To find out if you’re a good candidate for Neck lift surgery, is to consult with your physician.

A candidate for Neck lift or Lower Rhytidectomy must be healthy and psychologically prepared for the potential risks associated with the procedure. It’s important to understand the benefits and limitations of Neck lift before deciding.

You may be a good candidate for Neck lift if:

  • You have excess wrinkling of the neck skin.
  • You have a double chin.
  • You have sagging skin in the neck area and under the jawline.
  • You are in good physical and psychological health.
  • You are concerned about your appearance.
  • Non smokers.
  • Be aware of the possible risks and complications.

What Is The Ideal Age For a Neck Lift?

The most common age for a Neck Lift is typically between 30 and 65 years old. However, the best way to know if you’re ready for this procedure is to talk to a plastic surgeon about your options, because we all age differently.

When Can I Get a Neck Lift?

There are many reasons a person might consider Neck Lift surgery, like Turkey Neck, Vertical Bands, Double Chin, Poorly Defined Jawline, Wrinkles and Creases, etc. You can undergo these cosmetic surgery procedures if you are over the age of 18 and are dissatisfied with your neck.

How Much Does Neck Lift Cost In Miami?

The cost of Neck Lift surgery in Florida ranges from $4,000 to $10,000. The average price of Neck Lift surgery can vary depending on the doctor, type of Neck Lift needed, complexity of the surgery, the clinic, etc.

Neck Lift Cost In Miami May Include

The cost of cosmetic surgery such as Neck Lift can differ from person to person, but there might be things that you may have to invest more on.

Neck Lift can include a variety of services:

  1. Surgeon’s fee.
  2. Surgical facility costs.
  3. Anesthesia fees.
  4. Medical tests.
  5. Prescriptions for medication.

Financing Neck Lift Miami

With our cosmetic financing solutions, you can get the plastic surgery you want by either paying upfront or choosing a payment option tailored to your needs. Click here to see all of our options.

What Are The Benefits of a Neck Lift surgery?

Neck Lift surgery is a fairly common procedure and can give you a younger and more refreshed appearance.

There are several benefits of undergoing Neck Lift surgery, including:

  1. More youthful and natural contours in the neck.
  2. Decrease lines and wrinkles (Turkey Neck).
  3. Minimal scarring.
  4. Short recovery period.
  5. Improved confidence and self-esteem.
  6. Younger appearance.
  7. Eliminate a double chin.
  8. Lasting Results.
  9. Can be combined with additional procedures.
  10. Beneficial for both genders.
  11. Remove excess skin and fat.
  12. Etc.

What Should I Discuss During a Neck Lift Consultation?

Here are some of the topics you might want to mention to your surgeon:

  • Discuss your Neck Lift options.
  • Questions to determine your general health status, any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.
  • What are your expectations?
  • What is the result you want?
  • What allergies do you have?
  • If you are taking any current medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
  • Which other medical treatments have you undergone in the past?
  • What are the possible results of Neck Lift and any risks or possible complications involved?
  • You can view photos of other women and see the results you want.
  • And any other information that may be useful for your Neck Lift surgery.

What Should I Ask The Plastic Surgeon About Neck Lift?

We have a consultation which is an opportunity for you to ask any and all questions you have about the process, surgery, or recovery.

  • Do you have any certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform surgery?
  • How many years of plastic surgery training do you have?
  • I am a good candidate for this procedure?
  • What surgical technique is suitable for me?
  • What is expected of me to get the best results?
  • Where and how will my Neck Lift surgery be performed?
  • Do you have before and after photos of Neck Lift that I can see and what results are reasonable for me?
  • How can I handle complications?
  • What are my options if I am unhappy with the cosmetic results?
  • And any other questions you have.

What Are The Risks of Neck Lift surgery?

A Neck Lift, or Lower Rhytidectomy surgery is a procedure that has both benefits and risks. The risks are different for everyone and depend on the procedure they are undergoing.

You’ll need to decide whether the benefits will achieve your goals and if the risks of a neck lift are acceptable.

Neck Lift surgery May Include

  1. Anesthesia risks.
  2. Bleeding.
  3. Fluid accumulation.
  4. Infection.
  5. Persistent pain.
  6. Poor wound healing.
  7. Unfavorable scarring.
  8. Skin discoloration.
  9. Prolonged swelling.
  10. Hematoma.
  11. Facial asymmetry.

Preparing for your Neck Lift Surgery

Neck lift surgery is focused on helping you look your best again. Preparing for surgery can be tough, but with the right preparations you can make it much easier for yourself.

The first thing to do is gather information about your procedure and your care options.

Talk and follow the instructions of your doctor and explore different treatment options with them.

Before you go into surgery, you’ll want to make sure that somebody is coming with you to drive and can stay with you for the first few nights.

Preparation for Neck Lift surgery may include:

  • Take specific medications or adjust your current medications.
  • You should do lab tests.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Stop Drink.
  • Stop drugs.
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory or herbal supplements as they can increase bleeding.
  • Etc.

Recovering From Neck Lift Surgery

Some people who have a Lower Rhytidectomy need some time to recover, days or weeks, It is important to follow the doctor’s instructions when recovering. However, some people may experience side effects and complications in the process of recovery.

It is common for a bandage to be wrapped around your face and into the neck area, it can minimize swelling and bruising after the procedure.

A small drainage tube may be in place if you have excess blood or fluid under your skin.

It is important to keep your head elevated to minimize swelling and to keep your head straight

Do not use ICE on the neck as it can compromise blood flow and lead to skin death.

The doctor will give you instructions on how to care for the surgical site and drains, medication you can take by mouth to help with healing and reduce the risk of infection.

Affordable Neck Lift surgery in Miami, FL

It can be difficult to find an affordable plastic surgery for your body, but it is not impossible. Seduction Cosmetic Center offers patients affordable Lower Rhytidectomy procedures to help them achieve the results they desire.

Cheap Neck Lift Miami, FL

It is important to find a qualified and experienced surgeon before considering a Neck Lift surgery. Before you shop around for the cheapest option, be sure to do your research and make an informed decision. This surgery are very serious, with health risks that can be very costly in the long run.

The dangers of cheap Lower Rhytidectomy in Miami can be very serious, It is not worth the health risks and complications that can result from this cheap procedure.

Will Insurance Cover The Neck Lift Procedure?

When it comes to health insurance, it is always better to call the office and speak with the staff. They will be able to tell you upfront if your insurance covers the neck lift procedure or not.

Best Neck lift surgeons in Miami FL

The best Neck Lift surgeons in Miami can be found here At Seduction Cosmetic. We have a team of doctors to give you the highest safety standards and optimal results for your body

Headshot Photograph of Dr Alfred Sofer Plastic Surgeon Miami

Dr. Alfred Sofer

Board Certified Surgeon

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Headshot Photograph of Dr Keith Robertson Plastic Surgeon Miami | Seduction Cosmetic Center.

Dr. Keith Robertson

Plastic Surgeon

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Dr. David M. Godat

Dr. David M. Godat

Board Certified Surgeon

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Headshot Photograph of Dr Marco Amarante Plastic Surgeon Miami | Seduction Cosmetic Center.

Dr. Marco Amarante

Plastic Surgeon

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Dr. Narayanan Nair

Dr. Narayanan Nair

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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Headshot Photograph of Dr Paul Perales Plastic Surgeon Miami | Seduction Cosmetic Center.

Dr. Paul Perales

General and Bariatric Surgeon

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Dr. Tom Hass

Dr. Tom Haas

Board Certified Surgeon

View Bio

Neck lift in Miami, we are waiting for you

Our Location:
4950 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33134

Office Hours: 
Monday through Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm
Sunday Closed

(305) 406-9055

Contact Us

The first step in getting a Neck Lift Miami is to schedule a consultation with us. This consultation will be free and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the procedure before making any decisions.

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