Tummy Tuck and BBL Miami

Say goodbye to stubborn fat and sagging skin

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achieve a tighter tummy and enhance your backside for that perfect bikini look

Looking to achieve a tighter tummy and enhance your backside for that perfect bikini look? Look no further! At Seduction Cosmetic Center, our Tummy Tuck and BBL Miami procedures are designed to help patients of all shapes and sizes achieve their desired waistline goals.

Our expert physicians provide exceptional customer service and top-notch surgical expertise. The tummy tuck procedure has gained popularity as one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries in recent years. Experience the transformation you’ve been dreaming of with our trusted procedures at Seduction Cosmetic Center in Miami.

What is Tummy Tuck and BBL Miami?

Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift Miamiare both surgical procedures, They each produce impressive results but combine them to create an even more impressive result. These procedures are typically included in our Mommy Makeover combo for women who are struggling to get their pre-pregnancy body back.

About Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck is a cosmetic surgery procedure which removes excess skin and fat in order to give a person a flat stomach. It is most commonly done on mothers after giving birth or obese people who have lost weight but still have loose skin.

The types of Tummy Tucks we offer at Seduction Cosmetic Center include: Mini Tummy Tuck, Full Tummy Tuck and Extended Tummy Tuck.

About BBL?

Brazilian Butt Lift is also known as Gluteal Fat Grafting, which is a procedure that moves fat from one part of the body to another place on the body. This can be done by liposuctioning fat from one part of the body and injecting it into another area that needs more volume.

Am I Candidate for Tummy Tuck and BBL?

Tummy Tuck and BBL are generally recommended for women who want to get rid of loose skin, fat, and wrinkles in the abdominal area caused by severe weight loss or pregnancy. In addition to improving the silhouette and appearance of the buttocks.

You may be a good Tummy Tuck and BBL candidate if:

  • You are in good physical and psychological health.
  • You are concerned about your appearance.
  • Individuals with a positive attitude and realistic goals about what Tummy Tuck and BBL surgery can achieve.
  • People committed to a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition.
  • Non smokers.
  • Individuals with excessively loose skin in the gluteal area.
  • Be aware of the possible risks and complications.
BBL Before and After Miami
Types of Tummy Tuck Incision

What is The Ideal Age For Tummy Tuck and BBL?

The ideal age for BBL and Tummy Tuck varies from woman to woman, which means it’s best for each person to decide when to have it. However, the average range of people who undergo this surgery is between 18 and 56 years old. Surgeons also recommend that someone considering this surgery ensure that they are in reasonable physical condition before performing the procedure.

When Can I Get a BBL and Tummy Tuck?

You can undergo these cosmetic surgery procedures if you are over 18 years and you are bothered by the appearance of your abdomen and buttocks caused by significant fluctuations in weight.

How much does a BBL and Tummy Tuck cost in Miami?

The cost of Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift in Florida ranges from $8.500 to $14,000, The average price of this combined surgery can vary depending on the amount of skin and fat that needs to be removed, the amount of fat transferred and the areas of fat harvesting, the doctor, the clinic, etc.

Tummy Tuck and BBL Cost in Miami May Include

There are many factors that determine Tummy Tuck and BBL costs, but there might be things that you may have to invest more on.

Miami BBL and Tummy Tuck can include a variety of services:

  1. Surgeon’s fee.
  2. Surgical facility costs.
  3. Anesthesia fees.
  4. Post surgery garments.
  5. Medical tests.
  6. Prescriptions for medication.

Financing Tummy Tuck and BBL Miami

Our cosmetic financing solutions give you a variety of options to pay for the services you want, Seduction Cosmetic is here to help, simply visit our financing page for more details!

What Are Combined Benefits of Tummy Tuck and BBL?

Tummy Tuck and BBL combined drastically change your body shape and butt. There are several benefits like these:

  1. Removes excess fat and skin from the abdominal area.
  2. Improvement in self-confidence.
  3. Improved health.
  4. More confidence.
  5. Improved posture.
  6. Contouring and accentuating natural curves.
  7. Narrowing waistline.
  8. Improve Your Body’s Proportions.
  9. Natural Look and Feel.
  10. Reduces fat deposits on areas of the body.
  11. Long-Lasting Results.
  12. Cellulite Is Less Visible.
  13. Quick Results.
  14. Your Clothing Will Be More Flattering.

What Should I Discuss During a Tummy Tuck and BBL Consultation?

Here are some topics that you should mention to your surgeon.

  • Questions to determine your general health status, any pre-existing health conditions or risk factors.
  • What are your expectations?
  • What is the result you want?
  • What allergies do you have?
  • If you are taking any current medications, herbal supplements, vitamins, tobacco, alcohol or drugs.
  • Which other medical treatments have you undergone in the past?
  • What are the possible results of BBL with Tummy Tuck and any risks or possible complications involved?
  • You can view photos of other women and see the butt shape and body silhouette you want.
  • And any other information that may be useful for your Tummy Tuck and Brazilian Butt Lift surgery.

What Should I Ask The Plastic Surgeon About Brazilian Butt Lift and Tummy Tuck?

Our consultations are a great opportunity for you to ask any and all questions you may have about our process, the surgery, or recovery.

  • Do you have any certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform surgery?
  • How many years of plastic surgery training do you have?
  • Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
  • Where and how will my BBL and Tummy Tuck surgery be performed?
  • Do you have before and after photos of BBL and Tummy Tuck that I can see and what results are reasonable for me?
  • How can I handle complications?
  • And any other questions you have.

What Are The Risks of Brazilian Butt Lift and Tummy Tuck?

Tummy Tuck and BBL surgery is a major procedure that has both benefits and risks. The risks are different for everyone and depend on the procedure they are undergoing. You should weigh the risks and benefits before you decide if having a Tummy Tuck and BBL could achieve your goals or not.

Plastic Surgery Societies Issue Urgent Warning About the Risks Associated with Brazilian Butt Lifts

BBL and Tummy Tuck Risks May Include?

  • Anesthesia risks.
  • Bleeding.
  • Fluid accumulation.
  • Infection.
  • Persistent pain.
  • Poor wound healing.
  • Unfavorable scarring.
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Prolonged swelling.
  • Hematoma.

Preparing for your Tummy Tuck and BBL Surgery

Tummy Tuck and BBL are both life-changing surgeries that can help you regain your curves, Preparing for your surgery is a challenging process, but you can make it easier on yourself with the right preparations. Do your research, talk and follow the instructions of your doctor and explore different treatment options with them. be sure to arrange for someone to drive you to surgery and for them to stay with you for at least the first few nights.

Recovering From Tummy Tuck and BBL

The recovery process after this type of surgery is different for every patient, dressing or bandages may be applied to your incisions, you might be wearing elastic bandage with a supportive abdomen garment to help minimize swelling and relieve pain and discomfort.

Thin, small tubes may be placed beneath the skin for a certain amount of time to drain any excess fluids that may collect. It is important to get professional help by means of their care in order to account for quick and painless recovery.

You might be asked to avoid prolonged sitting for up to two weeks. You will also be instructed to turn on your side when you sleep.

If you experience any of these symptoms, make sure to seek medical attention as soon as possible; chest pains, unusual heart beats, shortness of breath.

It is very important to follow your doctor’s instructions.

How to Make Your BBL Results Last?

With the right Gluteal Augmentation aftercare and a healthy lifestyle, patients can enjoy the results of their BBL treatment for many years after you complete the procedure. To maintain your beautiful curvy new figure after BBL, use these helpful tips:

  • Avoid pressure on your butt.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • Maintain a stable weight.
  • Wear your compression garment all day.
  • Post BBL Workouts.

How Can I Maximize My BBL Results?

There are many things that a patient must consider in order to maximize their BBL results. They need to find the right doctor, get a good surgical technique, and stay in contact with their surgeon. Patients also need to be on top of their health and avoid certain foods that can slow down the process of BBL.

  1. Maintain a stable weight.
  2. Healthy lifestyle.
  3. Exercise.
  4. Etc.

Affordable Tummy Tuck and BBL in Miami, FL

If you are looking for an affordable Tummy Tuck and BBL in Florida with the best prices and financing options, look no further! Here at Seduction Cosmetic Center we can introduce you to the latest techniques and procedures to help you achieve the results you want.

Cheap Tummy Tuck and BBL Miami, FL

The dangers of cheap Tummy Tuck and BBL surgery in Miami can be very serious. It is important to find qualified surgeons that are board-certified in plastic surgery. It is not worth the health risks and complications that can result from this cheap procedure.

Will Insurance Cover The Procedure?

Some insurance companies are more favorable than others when it comes to covering cosmetic surgery procedures. The best option is to call the office and talk to their staff. They can help you understand what your insurance will cover and what it won’t cover.

Frequently Asked Questions

BBL and Tummy Tuck Before & After Photos

Click here to see our BBL and Tummy Tuck Before and After.


“Yes”, they can be done BBL and Tummy Tuck together. There are many factors that need to be taken into account when considering a tummy tuck and a BBL at the same time. Consult an experienced plastic surgeon to find out if you are a candidate for the surgery.

Some plastic surgeons recommend that the Brazilian Butt Lift be performed first and after 3 months of recovery perform the Tummy Tuck, ensuring the amount of fat available to transfer to the buttocks. If you are a candidate for both procedures, your surgeon will recommend how they should be arranged.

It is recommended that you sleep on your side, rather than on your back or stomach. In addition to avoiding sitting for the duration of the recovery time.

One of the main factors that determines whether or not you can get a BBL is your weight. At least 50 pounds over your ideal body weight and your BMI upper limit 35. Consult your doctor will give you more specific advise.

After surgery, it’s important to take it easy and avoid unnecessary pressure on the incision site. Resting only on your right or left side is a good way to reduce pressure.

Recovery time for BBL and Tummy Tuck is different for every individual. The recovery period is usually at least one month, but it could take as long as six months.

Most patients can expect the results of a BBL to last five years or more. To get the best Brazilian Butt Lift results, maintain an active and healthy lifestyle without making any drastic changes to your weight.

Still Looking For An Answer?

Reach out and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

Tummy Tuck and BBL surgeons in miami fl

The best Tummy Tuck and BBL surgeons in Miami can be found here At Seduction Cosmetic. We have a team of doctors to give you the highest safety standards and optimal results for your body.

Headshot Photograph of Dr Alfred Sofer Plastic Surgeon Miami

Dr. Alfred Sofer

Board Certified Surgeon

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Headshot Photograph of Dr Keith Robertson Plastic Surgeon Miami | Seduction Cosmetic Center.

Dr. Keith Robertson

Plastic Surgeon

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Dr. David M. Godat

Dr. David M. Godat

Board Certified Surgeon

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Headshot Photograph of Dr Marco Amarante Plastic Surgeon Miami | Seduction Cosmetic Center.

Dr. Marco Amarante

Plastic Surgeon

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Dr. Narayanan Nair

Dr. Narayanan Nair

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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Headshot Photograph of Dr Paul Perales Plastic Surgeon Miami | Seduction Cosmetic Center.

Dr. Paul Perales

General and Bariatric Surgeon

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Dr. Tom Hass

Dr. Tom Haas

Board Certified Surgeon

View Bio

Tummy Tuck and BBL near me, we are waiting for you

Our Location:
4950 SW 8th St, Miami, FL 33134

Office Hours: 
Monday through Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 2:00pm
Sunday Closed

(305) 406-9055

Contact Us

The first step in getting a BBL and Tummy Tuck is to schedule a consultation with us. This consultation will be free and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have about the procedure before making any decisions.

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