To: Our patient’s
Surgical and Non-Surgical Procedures.

As you have been advised, in order to secure a position on Seduction by Jardon’s Cosmetic surgery schedule
as well as guarantee the procedure quoted to you during your consultation, a minimum fee of $1,000 must be
made at the time of purchase to cover Initial Consultation. Thereafter, all outstanding fees and costs associated with
your scheduled procedure must be paid in full at least one week prior to your surgery date. For your convenience
our center accepts a number of different payment methods including third party financing. If you choose to utilize third
party financing to pay for your procedure, your financing company may require you to make several payments prior
to the initiation and or completion of your procedure(s). The third party financing companies are separate business
entities with their own rules and policies over which Seduction by Jardon’s Cosmetic Center has no influence or control.
In order to provide you with the best service possible, Seduction Cosmetic has entered into
arrangements with numerous cosmetic surgeons. These surgeons and surgery companies are separate entities that
provide their services to Seduction Cosmetic Center and its patients as independent contractors. While Seduction
by Jardon’s Cosmetic schedules, coordinates and provides the medical support staff necessary to facilitate the services
you have purchased, as an independent contractor, your physician is directly responsible for rendering his services to
you as well as overseeing and managing your continuing care and treatment relative to those procedures performed
by him.

Patients that cancel procedures are subject to the following non-refundable charges based upon the number
of days a cancellation occurs prior to a scheduled procedure date. There is absolutely no refund associated with
procedures cancelled on the date a procedure is scheduled. Failure to appear for a scheduled procedure will be
considered a cancellation. For cancellations occurring 5 business days or less prior to the procedure date, a nonrefundable
charge of 100% of the procedure fee will be retained. Remember the fee of $1,000 is non-refundable
what so ever and any futures payments made towards procedure are not refundable.
If you have any questions, you can speak to one of our representatives.

Para asegurar una posición en Seduction by Jardon’s Cosmetic, así como garantizar el precio dado durante su
evaluación, un pago mínimo de $1,000, debe ser abonado a la hora de hacer el contrato para cubrir los gastos de la.
consulta inicial. E lbalance que le quede, debe ser pagado en su totalidad por lo menos una semana antes de
la cirugía. Para su conveniencia Seduction by Jardon ‘sCosmetic acepta numerosas formas de pagos incluyendo
financiamiento mediante otras compañías. Si usted decide financiar su cirugía, la compañía de financiamiento puede
requerirle a usted que haga algunos pagos antes de su cirugía. Las compañías de financiamiento son negocios separados
y tienen sus reglas y pólizas que Seduction by Jardon’s Cosmetic no tiene influencia ni control sobre los mismos.
Para proveerle a usted el mejor servicio posible, Seducton by Jardon’s Cosmetic ha entrado en arreglo con
números cirujanos plásticos. Estos cirujanos son personas que ofrecen sus servicios a nuestra institución y a nuestros
pacientes como contratados independientes. A pesar de que Seduction by Jardon’s Cosmetic coordina y provee los
empleados necesarios para facilitar los servicios que usted eligió, su cirujano es directamente responsable por
hacerle los seguimientos y cuidado post-operatorio necesarios.

Pacientes que cancelen su cirugía, están sujetos a las siguientes penalidades basadas en los días que
cancelen antes de la cirugía acordada. Absolutamente no hay reembolso para aquellos pacientes que cancelen el
mismo día de su cirugía. Si usted decide no venir el día que la cirugía está programada, se considerara su cirugía
como cancelada. Las cancelaciones que se realicen 5 días laborales o menos antes de la fecha programada de
cirugía, tendrá una penalidad del 100% del total costo de su procedimiento. Recuerde que el pago inicial de
$1,000 no es reembolsable bajo ninguna circunstancia. Contrato valido por 18 meses, todos los pagos efectuados
después de la firma del contrato serán adjudicados al mismo y validos por 18 meses. Sin excepción, después de 18
meses, no aplica ningún tipo de reembolso.
Para más información no dude en hacer sus preguntas a uno de nuestros representantes.
Thank You

Seduction Cosmetic Center

Apply here for weekly payments
